
Salesforce + ironFocus

Salesforce is one of the most commonly used CRMs on the market. It’s a powerful repository for your customer data, helping you to track interactions and sales-related information. But many Salesforce customers don’t utilize the platform to its full capacity and are disapointed with their existing analytics.

As Salesforce administrators and customer funnel experts, the ironFocus team can assess whether your business goals might be achieved with a more advanced application of the platform, or by pairing it with another solution.

This collaboration leads to improved marketing investment, optimal sales conversion, and advanced funnel analytics that enable you to plan growth.

Salesforce Data – Marketing Attribution – Predictable ROI

At its most basic, a CRM gives your team the tools to create a relevant connection with a potential customer. By tracking contacts, correspondence, demographic data, and other tidbits of information, your company can start or continue a conversation with a prospect.

But these individual data records can be much more. Each lead or contact in Salesforce should come with annotation that supports marketing attribution models. That’s when you can expand your focus beyond a single sale to a broad-based business plan.

This aggregate data, connected to your marketing strategies, can be the basis for more effective decision making. It provides meaningful insight into developing new products, creating new sales strategies, structuring your web and ecommerce presence, and marketing to people with a higher propensity to produce profit.

ironFocus consultants are experts at integrating external marketing data into Salesforce to support advanced single touch and multi-touch attribution models. In short, we help you get the most out of the data you already have.

By going beyond the basics, your powerful Salesforce information can become the basis for a strategy that creates long-term customer relationships. It can help you ensure you utilize your most effective marketing strategies to improve rates of conversion at all stages of the marketing and sales funnel.

The ironFocus Approach to Salesforce Integrations & Data

We integrate and structure data to obtain business intelligence that yields ROI. Regardless of the state of your Salesforce information, ironFocus turns it into actionable insights. We work with you to change what is necessary in Salesforce or adjacent systems to make it possible.

Our unique approach ensures we can find the right solution for each of our clients. The process starts by identifying areas of improvement in your current data flow. From there, we recommend a detailed solution that aligns with your business goals.

Our solutions include building centralized customer data platforms to use Salesforce data in conjunction with other systems to capture the full customer journey.

In addition, we help those who are in transition or those migrating into or out of Salesforce. Our experts handle bulk data migrations and real-time transactional integrations from other systems to create Salesforce data.

ironFocus helps you get the most out of your CRM and the information derived from your business activities. Our team of consultants elevates your Salesforce experience so you can translate your customer information into sophisticated business insights that grow your business.

Like our clients, our focus is on results. That’s why we start with your ultimate objective and develop the strategies that help you get the information you need to meet your business goals.

Our Salesforce CRM integration, data migration, and data analytics services include a team-based service that ensures you always have access to highly specialized talent that understands the business in addition to the technology and data.  To learn how we can help you elevate your Salesforce CRM data, contact ironFocus today.

We can assist Salesforce customers with:
  • Marketing attribution modeling, strategy, and ROI
  • Sales funnel and contact strategy design, automation, and optimization.
  • Call center integration, dialers, and performance analytics.
  • KPIs, reports, and dashboards for marketing and sales teams