Every business needs to market its products or services, in order to get new customers, or simply to get new business from existing customers. In this guide we take you through all you need to know about marketing optimization
Your marketing efforts should obviously be well-rounded, but mastering behavioral segmentation is a must. In fact, it’s something that consumers expect.
RFM analysis is alive and well. It’s a simple and efficient way to use quantitative data – like sales records – to get a meaningful impression of clients.
There are many different ways of thinking about marketing, but one, in particular, stands out in this modern age of online marketing. It is called STP.
More and more businesses are looking to make marketing analytics consulting essential. It not only helps bridge the gap in marketing data but also in extracting business insights.
Powered by the digital revolution, the world of content marketing looks very different than it did 20 or even 5 […]
CDP solutions provide an all-in-one platform where marketers can visualize the entire customer journey from click to revenue.
At the heart of this major change lies the revolutionary technology of machine learning. Machine learning enables marketers to predict consumer trends based on big data, which is processed to create hyper personalized services. There are many reasons why machine learning is all the hype these days. For starters
CPA (cost per acquisition) is one of the most common pricing models in online ads. In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about CPA advertising: what CPA is, how CPA works, the difference between CPA and other pricing models, and how to optimize your CPA costs.
When you design an ad campaign, many of the variables you choose to use may seem arbitrary. However, even minor changes such as color, font, or image selection can make a substantial difference in converting visitors or followers to customers. Before you commit to a single ad concept or pitch wording, test your advertising to see just how effective it can be.